Kristian Kraljić You may compare programming with poetry,
a harmonic script is a piece of creativity which will last forever.
- Kristian Kraljić

Objective-C – (Syntax) Highlighting with Regex & CoreText

by Kristian Kraljic, September 1, 2012

Long time no see. It took me nearly nine month to figure this one out! No…, just kidding. This one took me in fact one day, but I was very busy writing by bachelor thesis and finishing my final exams in university. Sorry for the long period of starving and be curious about what is going to happen in future.

Without further ado, let me tell you what I have been working on today. This time it is an Objective-C component. Very similar to my Wordfile Editor Plugin for Eclipse, it can be used to dynamically highlight and display any kind of text based programming language or other structured data. The goal was to create a simple, but yet powerfull component to make nice syntax editing possible on Cocoa and iOS.

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